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Metal cabinets for fire extinguisher

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Metal cabinets for fire extinguishers are used to store and secure fire extinguishers.

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Standard execution:

Fire extinguisher Symbol Dimensions [mm]
(height x width x depth)
Fire extinguisher 4 kg or 6 kg S-SG-6 600 x 250 x 200
Fire extinguisher 12 kg or carbon-dioxide fire extinguisher GS 5 kg S-SG-12 800 x 300 x 250

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Fire extinguisher Symbol Dimensions [mm]
(height x width x depth)
Fire extinguisher 2 x 6 kg S-SG-6X2 600 x 500 x 200
Fire extinguisher 2 x 12 kg or carbon-dioxide fire extinguisher GS 5 kg S-SG-12X2 800 x 500 x 250

Fire extinguisher Symbol Dimensions [mm]
(height x width x depth)
Fire extinguisher 3 x 6 kg S-SG-6X3-Z 600 x 700 x 200
Fire extinguisher 3 x 12 kg or carbon-dioxide fire extinguisher GS 5 kg S-SG-12X3-Z 800 x 750 x 250

Inquiries about other execution options should be directed to the e-mail address:

Type of lock

Patent lock

Large quantity of cabinets can be opened with one key. The key for emergency opening is located behind the safety glass.

Euro lock

Twist lock adapted to put seal on.